© 2020 Copyright by Crown Dental Plan | HTML Sitemap
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  1. Access to Crown Dental Plan website is explicitly denied to the copyright scanning robot program known as PicScout, robots owned or operated by Cyveillance Intelligence Center, Getty Images, subsidiaries, agents, and assigns.
  2. Most of the photos found on the Crown Dental Plan website were taken by The Company cameras or are open source images; all videos that appear on dcdirectactionnews.wordpress.com, Facebook page, Google+ profile, and the YouTube Channel were made by Crown Dental Plan for the sole use of Crown Dental Plan and the Company customers. All Crown Dental Plan website photo, video, and audio content is licensed for all noncommercial reproduction with attribution to Crown Dental Plan, except, information or content from Getty Images, PicScout, August Images, and Cyveillance Intelligence Center, any subsidiaries, agents, assigns; or by any other corporation that has at one time filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against one or more online users of respective source content. Use of any original dcdirectactionnews.wordpress.com story, photo, audio, or video recording for any purpose, by any entity which is a plaintiff in a copyright infringement case is hereby prohibited.
  3. Getty Images, PicScout, August Images, and Cyveillance Intelligence Center, subsidiaries, agents, and assigns, are for any purpose explicitly prohibited from using any image or video that originated from Crown Dental Plan camera. These photos are released for noncommercial use by the general public with or without attribution to dcdirectactionnews.wordpress.com; use for any monetary gain by any party claiming copyright against a third-party download from a third-party website shall be considered a copyright violation under this Privacy Notice. Regarding demands for damages from users sending “Demand Notices” prior to DMCA takedown Notices; demands originating from Getty Images, PicScout, August Images, Cyveillance Intelligence Center, subsidiaries, agents, assigns, or any other scanning robot: Notices shall be refused. If any threats of legal action are ever received from Getty Images, August Images, PicScout, Cyveillance August Images, Intelligence Center, subsidiaries, agents, assigns, or any other copyright holder demanding “damages” prior to sending DMCA takedown notifications; the entirety of demands will be refused, and under the Terms of this Privacy Notice, Crown Dental Plan will seek liquidated damages in the amount of $25, 000 U.S. dollars per violation.


Crown Dental Plan requests information from customers in order to process the enrollment form. To purchase from Crown Dental Plan, customers must provide contact information, including name and mailing address, and financial information, like credit card number and expiration date. Customer information is used for billing purposes and to process customer orders. If Crown Dental Plan has trouble processing an order, this information is used to contact the customer.


Crown Dental Plan website uses “cookies.” A cookie is a piece of data stored on the visitor’s hard drive to help improve the use, access, and repeat visitor experience of customers using the Company website. For instance, when cookies are used to identify a user, customers enjoy single password login, thereby making the site more user-friendly. Cookies can also help track and target the interests of users to enhance overall on-site navigation. The use of “cookies” on this website is in no way linked to any personal identifiable information.

The Crown Dental Plan website contains links to other sites, however, Crown Dental Plan is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other sites. The Company encourages customers to be aware that following links to other sites, users must read the privacy statements and terms of agreement of any other site that collects personal identifiable information, and customers must determine whether or not to navigate those sites.

On occasion Crown Dental Plan requests customer information via surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary, and customers may choose whether or not to participate and disclose personal information. Information requested may include contact information such as name and shipping address, and demographic information, like birthdate and zip code. Contact information is used to notify the winners and award prizes. Survey information is used for purposes of monitoring or improving the function and performance of this website. OF